The LocEzy® Knobs Were Born
LocEzy® Mounting Hardware/Knobs for Saddlebags
We saw a problem and struck out to solve it. The Original LocEzy® makes it difficult for a thief to steal your saddlebags and the contents in them, which is all to commend. Not using this system or any Saddlebag Theft Deterrent System sure makes it easier for the thief to ruin your day. LocEzy® take the place of the Bailhead quick release pins and receptacles that come stock on your bike. Harley-Davidson® and Victory® saddlebags will be more secure and reduce the chance of theft. The stock Bailhead quick/twist release system are most likely to spring loose, bend or break and let your bags go flying down the highway beside you instead of with you!

With this LocEzy® saddlebag mounting hardware, you do not use any tools to install or use them. They screw into their supplied U-Clips. They are the right length so as not to protrude through the threaded part of the U-Clip to make it virtually impossible to get to with pliers or any other tools to unscrew them. As with any of the Theft Deterrent Systems being sold, if the thief pry’s or breaks the top of the saddlebag open, they have just ruined what they were trying to take from you. The Saddlebag itself. So what you have here is a good looking, LocEzy® system that requires no special tools to keep up with or having to dig out your tool bag in the bottom of you fully packed saddlebag. The Knob, washers and grommet on the inside of the saddlebag stick out approximately 5/8's of an inch. So there is not a big bulky knob or (2017 up) Half T-Leavers in the way of the saddlebag contents. There is also a Nylon retaining washer that is used on the outside of the saddlebag, so when you remove it the knob will stay with the saddlebag. The Motor Company had recalled (185,000) of the 2014 and 2015 Touring bikes because of the faulty fasteners that come stock on these motorcycles. The recall fix did not work either. This mounting system can be installed in 10 min’s or less. It’s the easiest upgrade you can do, and DO NOT need to be a trained mechanic to do it. Each kit comes with full, easy to follow instructions. The knobs come in 4 different colors. Black - Red - Grey and Yellow.
Exclusive Manufacturer, HDsmallPARTS, LLC
HDsmallPARTS, LLC PO Box 1737 Chatsworth, Ga. 30705
HDsmallPARTS, LLC is not affiliated with Harley-Davidson® Motor Company
U.S Patent 9,840,296
Copyright © – 2014-2020 HDsmallPARTS LLC All rights reserved.
HARLEY-DAVIDSON® LocEzy® Saddlebag Mounting Hardware/Knobs